Bangladesh Customs & VAT


Export Requirements

HS Code: 03053210


Fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, ..Muraenolepididae,Wrapped/canned

Sl. Documents Purpose Agency/Entity Stage Option Validity Applicability Legislation Remarks
1 License for Export Regional Authority [Deputy Director, Fish Inspection and Quality Control, Department of Fisheries] Before Export 03 (one) year from the issuance date

Sec. 8, Fish and Fish Products (Inspection and Quality Control) Act, 2020 [Bangla]

2 No Objection Certificate (NOC) for Export Regional Authority [Deputy Director, Fish Inspection and Quality Control, Department of Fisheries] Before Export Lot Lot

Sec. 27, Fish and Fish Products (Inspection and Quality Control) Act, 2020 [Bangla]

3 Salubrity Certificate Regional Authority [Deputy Director, Fish Inspection and Quality Control, Department of Fisheries] Before Export Consignment Specific Consignment Specific

Sec. 27(2), Fish and Fish Products (Inspection and Quality Control) Act, 2020 [Bangla]; Rule 10(1), Fish and Fish Products (Inspection and Quality Control) Rules (Amended, 2008) [Bangla]

4 If extracted from marine, Certificate for illegal, unreported and unregulated fisheries is required for fish and fish product

Rule 7, Marine Fisheries Rules, 2023 [Bangla]

5 If genetically modified (GMO), permission from Ministry of Environment, Forset and Climate Change Before Export Consignment Specific

Rule 3(1), Bangladesh Biosafety Rules, 2012 (in Bangla)

6 Licence for Agro-products exporter RP Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM) Before Export Manual 01 (one) year from the issuance date Annual

Sec. 7(1), Schedule-1 & 2, Agricultural Marketing Act, 2018 [Bangla]; Rule 6, Agricultural Marketing Rules, 2021 [Bangla]