Bangladesh Customs & VAT


Export Requirements

HS Code: 08011210


Coconuts In the inner shell (endocarp) Wrapped/canned upto 2.5 Kg

Sl. Documents Purpose Agency/Entity Stage Option Validity Applicability Legislation Remarks
1 Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) Plant Quarantine Wing of DAE After getting application at least 1 (one) day before the shipment for export of perishable goods and 15 days before the shipment for export of non-perishable goods" Valid for 24 (twenty-four) hours for perishable goods and 15 days for non-perishable goods Consignment Specific

Sec. 18(1), Plant Quarantine Act, 2011 [Bangla]; Rule 15(1), Rule 15(2), Rule 16(1), Plant Quarantine Rules, 2018 [Bangla]

Phytosanitary certificate is provided based on online application
2 If GMO/LMO, Permission from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change RP Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Before Export Manual Consignment Specific Consignment Specific

Rule 3, Bangladesh Biosafety Rules, 2012 [Bangla]; Article 23(28), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]