Bangladesh Customs & VAT


Import Requirements

HS Code: 18040000


Cocoa Butter, Fat And Oil

Sl. Documents Purpose Agency/Entity Stage Option Validity Applicability Legislation Remarks
1 Certificate on Food Fit for Human Consumption (including for which age), and “not injurious to human health”, “no harmful substances are mixed” and “free from all types of germs”. CC, RP Competent authority of exporting country Before Importation Manual Consignment specific Consignment Specific

Article 23(23), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]

2 Fit for Human Consumption Certificate CC, RP BCSIR/BRiCM/Govt. Approved Lab/BAB Accredited Lab (not involved in food business) After importation Manual Consignment Specific Consignment Specific

Article 23(24), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]

3 Radioactivity Test Certificate CC, RP Competent authority of origin country Before importation Manual Consignment Specific Consignment Specific

Article 23(1), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]

4 If from SAARC, South-East Asia, and Asia-Pacific Ocean countries, Fit for Human Consumption & Free from All Harmful Germs Certificate (as an alternative to Radioactivity Test Certificate from BAEC) CC, RP Competent authority of exporting country Before importation Manual Consignment Specific Consignment Specific

Article 23(16)(Kha), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]

5 If from other than SAARC, South-East Asia, and Asia-Pacific Ocean countries, Radioactivity Test Certificate CC, RP Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC) After importation Manual Consignment Specific Consignment Specific

Article 23(6), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]