Bangladesh Customs & VAT


Export Requirements

HS Code: 01012100


Pure-bred breeding animals of horses..

Sl. Documents Purpose Agency/Entity Stage Option Validity Applicability Legislation Remarks
1 Veterinary Health Certificate/Sanitary Certificate Department of Livestock Services (DLS) Before Export Consignment Specific

SL. No 12, Fish and Fish Products (Inspection and Quality Control) Act, 2020 [Bangla]

2 Export Licence from Forest Department (if wild) Chief Warden or his authorized officer, Forest Department Before Export Annual

Sec. 24(1), Sec. 29(Ga), Wildlife (Conservation and Security) Act, 2012 [Bangla]

3 CITES Certificate (if applicable) Forest Department Before Export Consignment Specific

Sec. 29(Kha), Wildlife (Conservation and Security) Act, 2012 [Bangla]

4 If genetically modified (GMO), permission from Ministry of Environment, Forset and Climate Change Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Before Export Consignment Specific

Rule 3(1), Bangladesh Biosafety Rules, 2012 [Bangla]