Bangladesh Customs & VAT


Import Requirements

HS Code: 08059029


Citrus Fruit, Dried, Nes, (Excl. Wrapped/Canned Upto 2.5kg)

Sl. Documents Purpose Agency/Entity Stage Option Validity Applicability Legislation Remarks
1 Import Permit (IP) CC, RP Before opening LC Online 04 (four) months from issuance (plus two months' extension provision) Consignment/Lot Specific

Sec. 9(1), Sec. 10(1), Plant Quarantine Act, 2011 [Bangla | English]; Rule 3(3)(Ka), Plant Quarantine Rules, 2018 [Bangla]

2 Prior Notification to the Plant Quarantine Officer RP Importer At least 07 (seven) days prior to probable import Manual Consignment Specific Consignment Specific

Rule 7(1), Plant Quarantine Rules, 2018 [Bangla]

3 Release Order (RO) CC, RP After submitting Bill of Entry Online/Manual Consignment Specific Consignment Specific

Rule 9(4), Plant Quarantine Rules, 2018 [Bangla]

Release Order will not be issued, if packaging materials made of raw or solid wood are not treated as per ISPM-15 [Rule 9(7), Plant Quarantine Rules, 2018].
4 Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) CC, RP Competent authority of origin country Before boarding the conveyance Manual As mentioned in the PC Consignment Specific

Sec. 10(2), Plant Quarantine Act, 2011 [Bangla | English]

5 Licence for Agro-products importer RP Before importation Manual 01 (one) year from the issuance date Annual

Sec. 7(1), Schedule-1 & 2, Agricultural Marketing Act, 2018 [Bangla]; Rule 6, Agricultural Marketing Rules, 2021 [Bangla]