Bangladesh Customs & VAT


Import Requirements

HS Code: 19011000


Preparations suitable for infants or young children, put up for retail sale

Sl. Compliance Reference
1 Infant Formula and formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants shall comply with all the requirements of BSTI BDS CAC-72: 2008. Any other requirements as specified under the Packaged Commodities Rules, 2021 [Bangla] shall also apply to the product. Each package must be marked with the BSTI Certification Mark [after import].

Annexure-4, IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]. English hardcopy of BDS CAC-72: 2008 (Infant Formula and formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants) can be purchased from BSTI One Stop Service Centre; online paid access is also available.

2 Processed Cereal Based Food for Infants and Young Children shall comply with all the requirements of BSTI BDS CAC-74: 2007. Any other requirements as specified under the Packaged Commodities Rules, 2021 [Bangla] shall also apply to the product. Each package must be marked with the BSTI Certification Mark [after import].

Annexure-4, IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]. English hardcopy of BDS CAC-74: 2007 (Processed Cereal Based Food for Infants and Young Children) can be purchased from BSTI One Stop Service Centre; online paid access is also available.

3 Follow-up Formula shall comply with all the requirements of BSTI BDS CAC-156: 2008 (Amendment 1: 2009). Any other requirements as specified under the Packaged Commodities Rules, 2021 [Bangla] shall also apply to the product. Each package must be marked with the BSTI Certification Mark [after import].

Annexure-4, IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]. English hardcopy of BDS CAC 156: 2008 (Amendment 1: 2009) (Follow-up Formula) can be purchased from BSTI One Stop Service Centre; online paid access is also available.

4 Production and expiry date shall be clearly embossed on each container or package; not on the container or package by labelling it separately. Expired food items cannot be imported.

Article 23(19), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]

5 If preservatives, additives and colours are used in preserved food, its level and details shall be mentioned and shall not be labelled separately but embossed.

Article 23(21), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]

6 Any raw materials used in the preparation of food and beverages, which become unusable after a certain period, the date of production and expiry date shall be written or printed on the container or package of that goods.

Article 23(22), IPO 2021-24 [Bangla]

7 Net weight in Bangla & English and Registration Number provided by IPHN must be clearly mentioned in the Bag in Box container. Other compliances of Article 23(17)(Chha), IPO 2021-24 are also to be followed.

Article 23(17)(Chha), IPO 2021-24.